Astro-ph Club

Time : Every Tuesday 10:30 AM
Location: The 2nd floor lounge in Leewonchul Hall
Organizer : Yun-Kyeong Sheen
Previous boards: [astro-ph 2017] [astro-ph 2016]
Please add a new article at the first row of the table.


Date Title First author Speaker Keywords
2018/11/26 ~ 2019/1/4 Winter Break
2018/11/20 The MUSE-Wide Survey: Survey Description and First Data Release T. Urrutia 신윤경 “spectroscopy of everything” for CANDELS/GOODS-S and CANDELS/COSMOS fields arXiv:1811.06549
2018/11/13 ALMA observations of massive molecular gas reservoirs in dusty early-type galaxies A. E. Sansom 신윤경 Large and massive molecular gas disks are mapped in three early-type galaxies arXiv:1811.02967
2018/11/6 ALMA observations of molecular tori around massive black holes F. Combes 신윤경 Morphology and kinematics of the gas inside the sphere of influence of the black hole with the spatial resolution of 4-9 pc. arXiv:1811.00984
2018/10/30 Why do many early-type galaxies lack emission lines? I. Fossil clues F. Herpich 신윤경 The ionization source (hot low-mass evolved stars, HOLMES) and the origin of the (enriched) gas producing the emission lines are disconnected Herpich et al. 2018
2018/10/02 Quiescent galaxy size and spectroscopic evolution: combining HSC imaging and Hectospec spectroscopy Ivana Damjanov 신윤경 In the redshift interval 0.1 < z < 0.6 arXiv:1809.10705
2018/07/31 The dearth of difference between central and satellite galaxies II. comparison of observations with L-GALAXIES and EAGLE in star formation quenching Enci Wang 송현미 Comparison of SAM and hydrodynamical simulation in reproducing observed quenching fractions of centrals and satellites arXiv:1807.08198
2018/07/24 The prevalence and properties of cold gas inflows and outflows around galaxies in the local Universe G. W. Roberts-Borsani 신윤경 SDSS DR7 spectroscopic data set to probe the prevalence and characteristics of cold galactic-scale flows in local inactive and AGN-host galaxies. arXiv:1807.07575
Abundance matching with the mean star formation rate: there is no missing satellites problem in the Milky Way J. I. Read 송현미 Modifying abundance matching for satellite galaxies, accounting for tidal stripping and ram-pressure stripping arXiv:1807.07093
A quantification of the butterfly effect in cosmological simulations and implications for galaxy scaling relations Shy Genel 송현미 Effect of minute perturbations in simulation settings on galaxy properties arXiv:1807.07084
2018/07/17 A lonely giant: the sparse satellite population of M94 challenges galaxy formation Adam Smercina 신윤경 Increasing scatter of the stellar mass - halo mass (SMHM) relation from current hydrodynamical models arXiv:1807.03779
Searching for environmental effects on galaxy kinematics in groups and clusters at z ~ 1 from the ORELSE survey Debora Pelliccia 신윤경 Star-forming galaxies at z ~ 1 with DEIMOS on Keck II and VIMOS on VLT arXiv:1807.04763
2018/07/03 Stellar populations in the outer disk and halo of the spiral galaxy M101 J. Christopher Mihos 신윤경 HST imaging in the outskirts of the nearby spiral M101 to study stellar populations arXiv:1806.06828
2018/06/26 The suppression of star formation on the smallest scales: what role does environment play? M. K. Rodriguez Wimberly 신윤경 Environment is highly unlikely to play a dominant role in quenching star formation of the lowest-mass galaxies (i.e. ultra-faint dwarfs), suggesting that their star formation was suppressed by reionization. arXiv:1806.0789
2018/06/12 Impact of filaments on galaxy formation in their residing dark matter haloes S. Liao 김석, 송현미 Filaments, gas preprocessing, galaxy formation arXiv:1805.10944
2018/05/29 A cosmic dance at z ~ 3: Detecting the host galaxies of the dual AGN system LBQS 0302-0019 and Jil with HAWK-I+GRAAL B. Husemann 신윤경 VLT/HAWK-I + KMOS + MUSE. Obscured/unobscured dual AGN system at z < 3. arXiv:1805.09845
2018/05/15 Late bloomer galaxies: growing up in cosmic autumn Alan Dressler 신윤경 Massive galaxies that formed the majority of their stars within ~ 2 Gyr of the epoch of observation. arXiv:1805.04110
2018/05/08 How does the stellar disk of the Milky Way get its gas? S. E. Nuza 송현미 IAU proceeding; study on gas inflows onto the disk using two MW-like simulated galaxies (isolated vs. Local Group environment) arXiv:1805.01588
Galaxies in the act of quenching star formation Salvatore Quai 신윤경 Quenching galaxies selected by exploiting the [OIII]/Halpha ratio and searching for galaxies with undetected [OIII] arXiv:1804.08631
2018/04/10 Absorption by Spinning Dust: a Contaminant for High-Redshift 21 cm Observations B. T. Draine 신윤경 Spinning dust grains could affect measurements of high redshift 21 cm absorption arXiv:1804.02250
2018/04/03 Keck/Palomar Cosmic Web Imagers (KCWI/PCWI) reveal an enormous Ly_alpha nebula in an extremely overdense QSO pair field at z = 2.45 Zheng Cai 신윤경 A survey of Enormous Lyalpha Nebulae (ELANe) associated with QSO pairs arXiv:1803.10781
2018/03/27 An H_alpha imaging survey of the low-surface-brightness galaxies selected from the fall sky region of the 40% ALFALFA HI survey Feng-Jie Lei 신윤경 111 LSBGs with HI and H_alpha flux indicating low star formation efficiency and rarely suffering from intensive interaction or major mergers arXiv:1803.02650
2018/03/20 GASP. X: APEX detection of molecular gas in the tails and in the disks of ram-pressure stripped galaxies A. Moretti 신윤경 arXiv:1803.06183
2018/03/14 What does the first highly-redshifted 21-cm detection tell us about early galaxies? Jordan Mirocha 신윤경 A strong 21-cm absorption signal relative to the cosmic microwave background at z ~ 18 arXiv:1803.03272
2018/03/07 Red Misfits in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Properties of Star-Forming Red Galaxies Fraser A. Evans 신윤경 A transition galaxy population showing gradual quenching by internal processes rather than environmentally-driven processes arXiv:1803.01027
2018/02/28 The Diversity of Atomic Hydrogen in Slow Rotator Early-type Galaxies Lisa M. Young 신윤경 Slow rotators with extremely high HI masses arXiv:1802.09495
2018/02/21 Galaxy pairs in the SDSS - XIII. The connection between enhanced star formation and molecular gas properties in galaxy mergers Giulio Violino 신윤경 Galaxy pairs have shorter depletion times and enhanced molecular gas fraction compared to the normal star-forming galaxies. However, the gas masses in galaxy pairs and their depletion times are consistent with those of non-mergers whose SFRs are similarly elevated. arXiv:1802.02166
2018/02/07 Timing the formation and assembly of early-type galaxies via spatially resolved stellar populations analysis Ignacio Martin-Navarro 신윤경 45 elliptical galaxies selected from the CALIFA survey arXiv:1801.05486
2018/01/31 The RINGS survey III: medium-resolution Halpha Fabry-Perot kinematic dataset Carl J. Mitchell 신윤경 RSS Imaging spectroscopy Nearby Galaxy Survey (RINGS) with 10-m SALT arXiv:1801.07750
2018/01/24 No assembly required: mergers are mostly irrelevant for the growth of low-mass dwarf galaxies Alex Fitts 신윤경 15 high-resolution cosmological zoom-in simulations of dwarf galaxies arXiv:1801.06187
2018/01/17 The AGN luminosity fraction in merging galaxies Jeremy Dietrich 신윤경 The fraction of the bolometric infrared luminosity that can be attributed to AGNs arXiv:1801.04328
2018/01/10 First data release of the all-sky NOAO source catalog David L. Nidever 신윤경 NOAO Source catalog (NSC) released in January 2018 arXiv:1801.01885
2018/01/03 Colors of dwarf ellipticals from GALEX to WISE James M. Schombert 신윤경 True internal colors arXiv:1712.09446